Research Compliance Suggestion Box

Welcome to the Research Compliance suggestion box. Please use the suggestion box to share your thoughts on how the Office of Culture, Ethics and Compliance can continue to improve in its efforts to promote ethical and compliant behavior in the conduct of research. This can include suggested refinements in university process, identifying opportunities to provide additional education and training, highlighting where you believe your compliance obligations are unclear, or any other suggestions you may have that you believe will help the university promote the highest standards of behavior in a manner that reflects USC’s Core Values.

While you are free to identify yourself, you can also submit your suggestions anonymously. Please keep in mind that if you choose not to identify yourself, we will be unable to respond to you directly, but we commit to considering all suggestions offered.

If you have a specific concern where you believe a compliance obligation has not been followed, please e-mail the Office of Culture, Ethics and Compliance at

We value your feedback and appreciate your willingness to share your suggestions.