The university is committed to protecting the privacy and security of personal information relating to its students, faculty, staff, patients, donors, customers, and others who provide us with such information.
The Office of Culture, Ethics and Compliance (OCEC) is responsible for developing a comprehensive Data Privacy Compliance Program (“Privacy Program”) to facilitate schools, departments, units and other entities that may collect, receive, use, disclose, and store data are compliant with university data privacy policies, procedures, and applicable state, federal, and local statutory and regulatory requirements. Click below to learn more about the Program’s scope, structure, core functions, and activities.
Data Privacy Compliance Program Document
The Data Privacy Advisory Committee supports the Privacy Program by advising on data privacy policies, education/training, activities, and risks. Additionally, Committee members play an important role in serving as key partners by communicating with the university community on Program initiatives. Click below for the Committee Charter.
Data Privacy Advisory Committee Charter
Click on the links to the right to learn more about information that requires enhanced protection and security under federal and state law.