All potential conflicts of interest must be disclosed promptly, fully, and in advance, through the university’s online disclosure system, diSClose, for review. Once a disclosure is submitted, it will be reviewed by a representative from the Office of Culture, Ethics and Compliance (OCEC). There may be additional questions or documentation requested of the disclosed. Once the disclosure is complete, it will be presented for review by OCEC to the Conflict of Interest Review Committee (CIRC).
The CIRC will review the disclosure to determine whether the conflict of interest is manageable and if so, how to manage it. The CIRC will make a recommendation to the Senior Vice President of Research and Innovation (SVPRI), or their designee, for a final decision.
The decision and relevant management plan, as approved by the SVPRI or their designee, will be sent to the discloser for acceptance. Once the management plan is accepted by the discloser, and implemented, the research project may commence.
The conflicted individual must inform the Office of Culture, Ethics and Compliance of any relevant changes in either the research project or the financial interest after the approval of the management plan. The conflicted individual is also responsible for providing annual updates on the research project, the status of the financial interest, and compliance with the management plan.